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I have always been interested in art, but it wasn't until our children were grown that I was able to think about taking painting classes and pursuing painting seriously. My first class at College of Marin was in oil which I enjoyed. When I explored watercolor, I instantly fell in love and knew this was the media for me. I continue to work and learn from various local teachers. Ten years ago I was lucky enough to become involved with a group of wonderful and talented painters known as the Magnolia artists. We have shown our work at different venues throughout Marin. I have also had the chance to have my own show at San Rafael Art Works Downtown. My work has been accepted many times at the Marin County Fair where I have won numerous awards and the honor of first place in aqua media for two years. I enjoy setting up my own still life projects, gathering subject matter from my own home and garden. My work is mostly inspired by the different flowers I grow and care for. I find joy and satisfaction in designing and creating something that will eventually turn into a work of art.



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